DI Bible Reading

A regular Bible discussion at Discipleship International that encourages participation for mutual encouragement.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Acts Chapter 24 - Nathanael

Acts 24:25 -  And as he reasoned about righteousness and self-control and the coming judgment, Felix was alarmed and said, "Go away for the present.When I get an opportunity I will summon you."

Felix's response is interesting and probably a common one.  Though he feels some conviction and is alarmed, rather than change or ask for help, he runs away, or more specifically, sends Paul away so that he doesn't hear it any more.  He is running away from the truth because he doesn't want to change.  He wants Paul to bribe him, so he is more interested in money than the truth.

This is an example of John 3:19-20 19 And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. 20 For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. 21 But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God."

Lord Jesus, help me to always love the light and love the truth, not to hide or run from you.  I thank you that you love me and have forgiven me and gave yourself for my sins!

Acts Chapter 24- Wun-gwi

Felix is afraid of God's word through Paul.
But he care about the favor from the people of Jews and his success is more important.
I don't want to hold too tight the value from this world and want to be free from that shackle.

ACTS 24- Randy

read the chapter today.

Acts Chapter 23-Hanjun

I have read.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Acts Chapter 23-Wun-gwi

I've read

Acts 22- Maurice

I've read

Acts Chapter 23 - Nathanael

Acts 23:6 - Then Paul, knowing that some of them were Sadducees and the others Pharisees, called out in the Sanhedrin, "My brothers, I am a Pharisee,descended from Pharisees. I stand on trial because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead."

Paul not only adapted his testimony to the hearers, but he also spoke in a way that took into account his hearers.  Here this comment was made to create a division and an argument between those in the group that were accusing him.  It worked beautifully.

This is a good example of the Holy Spirit giving him what to speak at the right time.

AC TS 23 - Randy

I've read this chapter.
Its interesting, it doesn't sound like Paul was really in a terrible prison. In fact,for one stay he was in Herod's Palace. Isn't it funny, that those who should have been the enemy, the Romans, seem to be protecting Paul and treating him well.  While the religious groups were out to kill him.
Sometimes I worry that I may be a lot like the religious groups- we love our religion, but only when it stays "in the box".  The minute it starts to make us uncomfortable, we want to contain it and put it back on the shelf.

I guess this may be why a lot of churches struggle when transitioning to a new pastor/minister- the new guy comes in, breaks tradition  and makes people uncomfortable and the people go away, sometimes.  But sometimes, a new group comes in because they thirst for the new message and they want to be uncomfortable, they want to be challenged, they want to grow.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Acts chapter 22

I've read

Acts chapter 22 - Nathanael

" 'What shall I do, Lord?' I asked. " 'Get up,' the Lord said, 'and go into Damascus. There you will be told all that you have been assigned to do.'
Acts 22:10 NIV

Though Paul told his testimony of how God saved him multiple times, he did so each time in a way that was appropriate to the audience. For instance, here when he is speaking to the Sanhedrin, he doesn't mention right away that he was being sent to preach to Gentiles because to the Jewish leaders that would be bad. In fact later when he does say this, they are ready to kill him.

Monday, June 27, 2016

acts 20-Maurice

I've read

Acts chapter 21 - Nathanael

Leaving the next day, we reached Caesarea and stayed at the house of Philip the evangelist, one of the Seven. He had four unmarried daughters who prophesied.  After we had been there a number of days, a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea.
Acts 21:8‭-‬10 NIV

In the early church there were evangelists and prophets - with more prophets being identified than evangelists. Today there seems to be a general scarcity of prophets. I'm guessing that the Holy Spirit gives as many the gift as before but people are afraid to identify as prophets and many churches don't recognize the ministry as still valid.

We need all of the gifts and ministries working for the body of Christ to remain healthy. So Lord Jesus, please pour out your gifts and build your church, your body, your people!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Acts chapter 19-Maurice

I've read

Acts chapter 19 - Nathanael

What grieved them most was his statement that they would never see his face again. Then they accompanied him to the ship.
Acts 20:38 NIV

Paul was more than a preacher to these people. He was a spiritual father, a friend and someone they truly loved.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Acts chapter 19 - Nathanael

He sent two of his helpers, Timothy and Erastus, to Macedonia, while he stayed in the province of Asia a little longer.
Acts 19:22 NIV

Earlier the Holy Spirit had forbid him from entering Asia but now he was in Asia and God was doing great miracles and saving many people. So this was an example of the timing not being right at first. God's "no" was really a "not yet. "

Acts 18-Maurice

I've read

Acts Chapter 18- Hanjun

"For I am with you" in verse 10, is big encouragement for Paul and also for us who follow the Lord God Jesus. I think it is also the resource of joy in our daily life. God wants us not to be afraid or be silent, but keep on speaking the word of good news to the people with love in our life, even in the face of strong opposition and misunderstanding. Thank you, Lord, for your encouragement!      

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Acts Chapter 17- Wun-gwi

The description in Athens was interesting to me.
The city of Athens are full of idols and Paul was distressed by them.
But, Paul boldly speak about the truth of God and it was accepted by a number of people.
The gospel was spreading in the place where we have learned in our history class.


Acts chapter 17 - Nathanael

From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.
Acts 17:26‭-‬27 NIV

This passage always reminds me that God has a plan for our lives - When we were born, where we should live - and in this plan his purpose is that we would reach out and find God and enter into a relationship with him.

Thank you God for your good plans and love that you have for us!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Acts Chapter 16- Wun-gwi

I've read.
I've seen Lydia encouraged Paul and Silas by Inviting them.
Encouragement is important and please people and God.

Acts 15 & 16-Maurice

I've read

Acts chapter 16 - Nathanael

Paul wanted to take him along on the journey, so he circumcised him because of the Jews who lived in that area, for they all knew that his father was a Greek. When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to.
Acts 16:3‭, ‬7 NIV

This chapter is quite interesting!
First the issue of Paul circumcisiing Timothy is both pragmatic and ironic. Pragmatic because Paul recognizes that the fact of Timothy being a Greek would be a stumbling block to Jews he is trying to speak to. It is ironic because he is bringing the message that Gentiles don't need to be circumcised to be saved. Second the issue of the Holy Spirit directing Paul first by forbidding him to go to Asia. We aren't told in what form the forbidding comes - whether with outward, physical opposition, such as them being stopped at a border and not allowed to pass by guards - or if the prohibition was only spiritual - that Paul simply felt it in his spirit. Either way, it is also interesting to then see his dream and conclude that God was calling him to go to Macedonia. This is an interesting example of how in an inexact and not completely certain way that Paul still pressed on in following God.

Father give me wisdom in following you arms help me to hear your voice and press on in following you!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Acts Chapter 16 - Jinook

Lord, open my heart as you opened Lydia's.

Sent from my iPhone

Acts Chapter 15-Wun-gwi

I've read.

Acts chapter 15 - Nathanael

Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood.
Acts 15:20 NIV

These are the basics that people coming out of the world and to Christ should follow. While each of these items has times and situations where they come up, in our society the sexual immorality is certainly the most prevalent and the cause for many problems

Monday, June 20, 2016

Acts chapter 14 - Nathanael

So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders.
Acts 14:3 NIV

This is a common pattern: speaking boldly the message of God's grace and then God enabling signs and wonders to confirm the message.

Lord Jesus, I pray to be filled with your Holy Spirit and speak boldly in your name! And I pray that you would confirm the message with signs and wonders! May you be glorified and may your kingdom grow!

Acts Chapters 13,14,15 Debbie

I've read these chapters.

I think as Christians sometimes we feel like

if we do what the Lord tells us to do and we are

trying to do what is right, then there should

not be troubles.  We see that this is not true.

I  think we should learn to pray and ask

the Lord to fill us with his Holy Spirit.  Not just

once in our lives, but continue to do so.

The Holy Spirit fills us, send us out, and helps

us to know what to do.

Also, we can see that people in the Lord can disagree

with each other as with Paul and Barnabas.

The Lord used them both.  Their disagreement wasn't

about right or wrong it's about trusting the people

you work with.  The Lord was with both men.

I like what Peter said in Chapter 15 vs. 11 "But we believe

that we will be saved through the grace of the Lord

Jesus, just as they will"  Thank you Jesus for saving us

(Gentiles) too. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Acts chapter 13 - Nathanael

And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.
Acts 13:52 NIV
In Psidian Antioch there were no healings or physical miracles but just preaching and the Holy Spirit convicting of sin and the miracle of salvation. But from this came persecution and being expelled from the region. But the response of the believers was not fear and anger but rather being filled with joy and the Holy Spirit!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Acts chapter 11- Wun-gwi

I've read.
God has a plans for people and I see the reasons to scatter the belivers to the different place.
It is good to see that the Gospel is spreading over the different region through persecusions to christians.

Acts Chapters 9,10, & 11 Debbie

I love the way God works in people's lives.

You could actually find out that you've been

working against the Lord instead of working

for him. 

Also how God speaks  and sends people out

to do the work for him.  How God speaks to

and prepares both sides, the one who is sent

and the one who receives.  God is good.

Acts chapter 11 - Nathanael

When they heard this, they had no further objections and praised God, saying, "So then, even to Gentiles God has granted repentance that leads to life."
Acts 11:18 NIV

It is somewhat hard for us now to recognize how big a shift that this was for the Jewish believers to accept Gentile believers. I guess though that our world today is full of extreme polarization and racial and other divisions so we should be able to have some idea

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Acts Chapters 9 and 10- Hanjun

I have listened to the audio version using my cell phone. 

It would better for me to read the text version again. 

Acts chapter 10- Wun-gwi

God told to Peter and Cornelius and they listened/ acted immediately.
Talking to God and listening by vision, while praying, reading bible...
This is the daily habit I want to have.

Acts chapter 10 - Nathanael

As Peter entered the house, Cornelius met him and fell at his feet in reverence. But Peter made him get up. "Stand up," he said, "I am only a man myself."
Acts 10:25‭-‬26 NIV
The disciples worshiped Jesus and Jesus accepted that worship but Peter recognized that he was only a man and didn't allow or accept worship.

Thank you Jesus that though you are God, you humbled yourself and came in the form of man to set us free from sin and death!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Acts 7 & 8-Maurice

I read

Acts chapter 9 - Nathanael

I've read!
Amazing to see God saving and changing those who are fighting against him and doing incredible miracles!

ACTS 8 - Randy T

Verses 30-31:   Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. "Do you understand what you are reading?" Philip asked.   "How can I," he said, "unless someone explains it to me?" So he invited Philip to come up and sit down with him.
Its comforting to see that an important official;, who one we can assume is well educated, had some trouble understanding the Bible.  I think this passage underscores the need we all have - to have someone teach us. We may read a passage many times and not understand, or someone else may read the same passage and pick up a different meaning all together.  This is why small groups, spiritual mentoring is important..

Monday, June 13, 2016

Acts Chapter 7- Hanjun

Verse 51, "You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears!" This reminds me that God sees our hearts. 

Verse 60, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." I hope God can help me forgive others who sin against me.

Acts Chapter 6-7-Wun-gwi

I've read.
Stephen talked about their history starting from Abraham then Issac/ Jacob/ Joseph.
He fully understood the truth and talked boldly to the high priests.
However, the responses from the members of Sanhedrin was being furious and gnashing their teeth.
People did the same thing to Jesus.
Also, Stephen was also stoned like Jesus, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them"

Acts Chapter 7 - Debbie

It's amazing how many years the Lord works on an individual

to accomplish his will.  Taking people out of the land of their

fathers to a place where  you don't even know.  How

he can take a baby and keep watch over him, give him

to another to raise, to the desert and bring him back

again to lead God's people.  It shows that there is a purpose

for our lives and if we keep saying yes to Him, He will

accomplish His purpose.  Even if it takes our whole life.

Reading Acts

Maurice- Acts chapter 5 & 6 -I read

Acts 5 & 6 I've read Debbie

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Acts Chapter 6 - Nathanael

So they stirred up the people and the elders and the teachers of the law. They seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin. They produced false witnesses, who testified, "This fellow never stops speaking against this holy place and against the law.
Acts 6:12‭-‬13 NIV

Just as in Jesus' case, Stephen is falsely accused.  Sometimes we have the false idea that if we don't do anything wrong, we won't be harmed or persecuted.  But if we are following Jesus, he promised persecution.  But the Holy Spirit gives courage to face up to false accusation, and just as the disciples did in Chapter 5, we can even be joyful that we are considered worthy to suffer for Christ's name!  Amazing!

Acts Chapters 4 and 5- Hanjun

Two points stand out to me in Chapters 4 and 5. 

One is the apostles were not afraid of men when they were persecuted, but obeyed God to preach the good news of repentance in the name of Jesus. The other is the apostles and believers were one in heart and mind and prayed together to God. They shared everything they had, not because of rules or being forced, but because of the grace from God the Lord Jesus.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Acts Chapter 5 - Nathanael

Verse 41:  The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.

Not only did they suffer disgrace, but they also physically suffered.  They were jailed and beaten but their response wasn't fear or hiding, but they continued to preach publicly, proclaiming the name of Jesus!  The Holy Spirit gave them courage, strength and joy - even in the face of suffering!

Acts Chapter 5- Wun-gwi

I've read

ACTS 4 - Randy T

Verse 13 - When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.
Ordinary men are no longer ordinary, once they are with Jesus.
They verses starts out by saying " When they saw the courage..."  But you could easily replace Courage in the verse with Hope, Compassion, Love, Faith, ..... 
It seems that we strive to be ordinary in our lives.... as I read this chapter its apparent that ordinary is a "pretty low bar" and that if we are to be Christians, Christ Followers, someone who knows (really knows) Jesus- then ordinary is the last thing thing we want to be.
This makes me ask, if people look at me and see ordinary, then haven't I come up short, missed the mark?

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Acts -4

Acts-4 Maurice

I read

Acts chapter 4- Wun-gwi

It was good to see Peter/ John and other believers led by holy spirit.
"The unschooled, ordinary men" can do miracles and being courageous by being filled with the holy spirit

Acts Chapter 4 - Nathanael

This chapter is always exciting in showing how the Holy Spirit is working in Peter and the other believers!
First, the Holy Spirit heals the man, and then gives Peter words to speak and gives him boldness as he speaks to the religious leaders - especially after they imprisoned them and then commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus!

Then after all of that, they still are determined to continue to speak about Jesus and they pray and commit themselves to God and the Holy Spirit shakes the building and fills them again!  Very incredible!

Peter always is giving credit and honor to God.  Also, when he prays, he doesn't focus on the problem first, but instead focuses on God, his goodness, his control over the situation and finally asking for help.  Great example of following a "Lord's Prayer" model in prayer!

Acts Chapter 4 Debbie

In vs. 32..were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the

things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything

in common.  This is a testimony in it's self.   Praying that we will

be filled and shaken with the Holy Spirit.  I want this for myself and others.

ACTS 3- Randy T

Verse 16- By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see..
I met Nathanael for lunch yesterday, I told him I would try to get back on track with the daily Bible reading, then he told me the group was in Acts. I said, well the last time (the only time) I read Acts  (with Nathanael earlier this year) I didn't seem to get much out of it.  But, I said I would try to get back into the habit of day reading. 
So today, I read Acts 3 and this verse jumps out to me.  You see I'm going trough a tough time (but, I think we all are always going through some level of a tough time). I am/was feeling a little vulnerable and exposed at work (we were just acquired and several people are losing their jobs).  But this verse speaks to me- It says - Hey Randy! it is not your job, your title, your position, your salary, your performance,  or even you-that will make you strong. its FAITH! in the name of Jesus! Such a simple concept-, yet so hard for me to accept.  Of course, on the surface I accept this truth, but I haven't truly internalized and leaned on it - maybe sometimes when we struggle, the intent is to have the struggle teach us to lean upon our Faith, Faith in the name of Jesus. 

I wonder how many references in the Bible there are to Faith and all that Faith does for those who have Faith?  I know I have come across several of these references in the little reading that I have done.
Faith seems to be a lot more than just saying I believe, and has a lot more power than I understand.

Worth exploring and developing true Faith- I suspect It will take the rest of my lifetime (and longer).

Acts Chapter 3- Hanjun

I have read

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Acts Chapter 3 - Nathanael

Verse 16 - By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see.

Peter makes a clear statement about who healed the man and how it happened.  Jesus is the one who gets all the glory!

Acts Chapter 3- Wun-gwi

I've read.
Peter speaks so firm and bold.

Acts Chapter 3 Debbie

It was interesting to me that they had

an hour of prayer set aside at the temple.

Peter didn't have the silver or gold, but in the

name and faith in Jesus Christ the lame man walked.

I love miracles.

Acts Chapter 2 Debbie

As a prayer leader, I'm asking the Lord to fill us.

In vs. 17....I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh,

and your sons and daughters shall prophesy,

and your young men shall see visions, and your

old men will dream dreams...

Asking the Lord to pour out his Spirit

on us and fill us with His Holy Spirit.  I want

to see His wonders and miracles.  I want to

have the Holy Spirit.

Acts Chapter 2- Hanjun

I've read.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Acts Chapter 2- Wun-gwi

The early church in Acts is a good example to show how we share our life and have the fellowship in church.
In Korea, several church group is doing trials to do like this - 'House church'.
Every Friday evening, we meet at one house and share the dinner(break the bread), praising God and enjoying the favor.
Today's reading reminds me that memory.

17"'In the last days, God says,
    I will pour out my Spirit on all people............"

The "last days" refers when Jesus will appear a second time to bring salvation(Hebrew 9:28)? or Refers that time When the Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost?

Acts Chapter 2 - Nathanael

I've read! Great chapter!

Acts Reading

Acts 2- Maurice

I have read.

Acts Chapter 1- Hanjun

I have read

Monday, June 6, 2016

Acts Chapter 1 Debbie

I'm still drawn to the way the Holy Spirit works.

How Jesus gave commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles vs. 2.

And also in vs. 8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has

come upon you, and you will be my witnesses...

I need to keep praying for the Holy Spirit to receive his power to witness and to know his direction.

Acts chapter 1 - Nathanael

I've read!

Friday, June 3, 2016

John Chapter 18 - Nathanael

John 18:32 This took place to fulfill what Jesus had said about the kind of death he was going to die.

Jesus fulfilled many Old Testament prophecies, and many such as this one, were ones that he as a human had no control over.  But God had spoken in advance and said what must happen to Jesus as he became a sacrifice to take away the penalty and guilt of our sins.  This was all according to God's plan and nothing of it happened by accident.  Jesus knew what his mission was and he fulfilled it to the end.

Jesus, I thank you that you loved us so much that you were willing to plan and participate in your own painful death!  I do not deserve your love, but I thank you for your mercy on me, a sinner!

John Chapter 18- Wun-gwi

38"What is truth?"
Pontius Pilate asked Jesus.
I felt Pilate was approaching to the truth and he has The Truth in front of him.
He is getting close to know him and want to release him.
But the crowed shouted to crucify him and release Barnabas.
Pilate chose to listen the voice of crowed to satisfy them and retain his position.

We'll keep having the opportunity to choose between truth and the value from this world.

I want to choose the everlasting Truth from the kingdom of God.
I pray for it. Amen.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

John Chapter 17- Wun-gwi

In a small group, we pray each other and encourage each other.
I am so joyful and glorified while I read this Chapter, because Jesus Christ prays for himself, disciples, All Believers!
I was feeling that Jesus is with me and doing small group together and praying for me.
I want to remember again he is living God who prays for us and works for us.
Thank you Jesus, 

John 17 - Hanjun

Verse 15, "My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one." As Jesus' disciple, I realize that the purpose that I live in the world is to show God's love to the people in my life (family, workplace, friends, etc.) and introduce Jesus to them. At the same time, I need God's love and protection to fulfill the purpose.

Verse 16-17, "They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." We belong to God, not the world. As long as we follow God, we can be sanctified, and the world cannot overcome us. 

Thank you Lord Jesus for praying for your disciples and believers! Please help me to fulfill the purpose in my life. Remind me that I belong to your kingdom not the world, and remind me not to show off the superiority of my belonging to the unbelievers, but love them and introduce you to them.