DI Bible Reading

A regular Bible discussion at Discipleship International that encourages participation for mutual encouragement.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

ACTS 3- Randy T

Verse 16- By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see..
I met Nathanael for lunch yesterday, I told him I would try to get back on track with the daily Bible reading, then he told me the group was in Acts. I said, well the last time (the only time) I read Acts  (with Nathanael earlier this year) I didn't seem to get much out of it.  But, I said I would try to get back into the habit of day reading. 
So today, I read Acts 3 and this verse jumps out to me.  You see I'm going trough a tough time (but, I think we all are always going through some level of a tough time). I am/was feeling a little vulnerable and exposed at work (we were just acquired and several people are losing their jobs).  But this verse speaks to me- It says - Hey Randy! it is not your job, your title, your position, your salary, your performance,  or even you-that will make you strong. its FAITH! in the name of Jesus! Such a simple concept-, yet so hard for me to accept.  Of course, on the surface I accept this truth, but I haven't truly internalized and leaned on it - maybe sometimes when we struggle, the intent is to have the struggle teach us to lean upon our Faith, Faith in the name of Jesus. 

I wonder how many references in the Bible there are to Faith and all that Faith does for those who have Faith?  I know I have come across several of these references in the little reading that I have done.
Faith seems to be a lot more than just saying I believe, and has a lot more power than I understand.

Worth exploring and developing true Faith- I suspect It will take the rest of my lifetime (and longer).

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