DI Bible Reading

A regular Bible discussion at Discipleship International that encourages participation for mutual encouragement.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Luke Chapter 24 - Nathanael

Verse 45 - Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is amazing and the most important event in history.  God had been preparing for Jesus crucifixion and resurrection since even before the time that Adam and Eve sinned - since the foundation of the earth.  In the Old Testament, God was preparing a picture of that event, why it had to happen and how, but it wasn't clearly understood.  In this verse Jesus opened the minds of the disciples so that they could see and understand from the Scriptures the why and how that God had been speaking about for thousands of years.

I know that our own fears, doubts, weaknesses and spiritual blindness can keep us from seeing what God is speaking to us through his word, and I know that Satan is actively trying to blind us.  What I've seen in people's lives is that Jesus can "turn on the lightbulb" and open people's minds to understand.  I know that I want to see more and have more of God's wisdom and understanding.

So Lord Jesus, please open my mind to understand all that you are speaking to me as I read the Scriptures!  Thank you for your word and for your love!

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