DI Bible Reading

A regular Bible discussion at Discipleship International that encourages participation for mutual encouragement.

Monday, November 28, 2016

John 21 - Nathanael

Jesus answered, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me."
John 21:22 NIV

Peter starts into the deadly game of comparison and Jesus quickly refocused his attention. He told Peter not to worry about what his plan was for John and that it was actually none of his business. What Peter needed to focus on was simply following Jesus!
That is the same for all of us. We tend to look at others and ask 'what about them?' - why don't they have to go through this? Why do they get that?
Jesus answer to us is the same: it is none of our business. We just need to follow Jesus.

Help us to keep our eyes on you and not on others!

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