DI Bible Reading

A regular Bible discussion at Discipleship International that encourages participation for mutual encouragement.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Luke Chapter 3 - Nathanael

Verse 3 - baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins

I've read this many times but it struck me in a new way that John was also proclaiming a way to be forgiven of sins.  He proclaimed that the way to forgiveness was through repentance and that baptism was a outward symbol that testifies to the inward act of repentance.  That is why it would be strange/unnecessary for Jesus to baptized as such.  That was why Pharisees would sometimes not be baptized by John - because it was an outward admission that there was sin that needed to be repented of.  At some point it must have become a "popular" thing to do so he began to warn people to "bear fruits in keeping with repentance" (v 8).  It is striking how forcefully John speaks against those who are doing an outward-only act of baptism without the true inward act of repentance (turning away from sin) which always will cause a change of behavior.

Then, and today, God is interested in our whole person, and especially the inner, heart response.  Crowd dynamics (going with the crowd, fear of man) is common and dangerous and keeps us from obeying God when we want to and pushes us toward empty, external-only actions just to look good to others. 

Father help me to pursue you with a whole heart, in truth.  Help me to know you deeply, find your forgiveness and love fully and follow you with all of me!

Verse 22 - "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased."[

Knowing God's love is a powerful thing!  God is a God of love and as he expressed his love here for Jesus, it reminds me of the depth of his love for us!  To have the Father say "with you I am well pleased" is powerful and moving.
From another perspective, in learning from God's example in being a father, we can see here that fathers should tell their children that they are pleased with them.  It seems a common situations where children strive for their father's attention and approval and many times don't receive the recognition/response from the fathers that the father is pleased with them and loves them.  Men often have difficulties in expressing their emotions and when this is the case, it is something that they need to work on. There is also some cultural or spiritual opposition that tells fathers that they should not be "soft" on their kids and tell them that they love them, or that it is a sign of weakness to do so.

Help me Father to be a good and loving father to my children!

Verse 23- Jesus, when he began his ministry, was about thirty years of age

In our "start early" culture, this seems like a late start.  Jesus accomplished all that he needed to - his whole mission - in three years starting at age 30.  The key was following God's plan and being led by the Holy Spirit.  My main observation here is not to compare and see how little we've done in comparison, but rather to look in hope and see that it's not too late!  God can do amazing things through a life that is surrendered to him and in a quite short time frame!  

Help me Father to submit my life completely to you!

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